Friday, March 5, 2010

It's Spring Time!

Well it has begun. I realized that spring is on its way regardless of what the weather man or the ground hog says. I do have robins hopping around my yard and the woodpecker is was making his presesnce known. There is hope for warmer weather. In spite of the cold weather baseball has begun. This makes spring official. Once again I have 2 boys playing ball this spring. This time it is Michael (as usual) and Timmy. The excitement of this little guy is very contageous. I just have to mention baseball and he knows where every piece of his equipment is. He runs and gets his bat and glove, he even knows where both of his cleats are. This is from the little boy that usually has shoes in all areas of the house. He is excited to even practice. We had a tournament this last weekend and his practice was in between the two games of his older brother. He would not stop the continuous questions of "is it my turn yet?", and "hurry mom, I am going to be late".

I have been again reminded about how different my children are. I have one that is so talented in sports, and a youngest that is just getting started in sports. They enjoy it. Then I have Gabe... he has done his share of trying sports, but does not seem to enjoy them like the other boys do. Much to my surprise when I came home yesterday he was so excited about a letter he had received at school. He couldn't wait to show me. I read the letter, and found out that Gabe was one of a handful of boys that had been recommended to The Chattanooga Boys Choir. He was over the top excited. He has been signed up for his formal audition in April and will start rehersals this fall. I was glad to see that he was excited to do something with music. Who knows where this will lead...