Thursday, January 28, 2010

Scouts - Getting ready for a new Beginning

Tonight we had our final den meeting. We handed out the last few awards and celebrated. I cannot help but being very proud of my oldest son. There are about 20 scouts that will be crossing over in February to the Boy Scouts. This alone is an accomplishment, but he has achieved even more. He will be one of 4 scouts that achieved Super Scout. This is an achievement that few finish. He did all the requirements required of a Webelo; he has also earned the Arrow of Light. All of these mark the path of a young boy turning into a man. As he leaves the ranks of Cub Scouts he will cross over into the world of Boy Scouts... Not a big deal you say- well there will be no more mom involvement, no moms on activies, no more moms on campouts, and no more moms at meetings. I know this is all in time and He will grow up and be better for the experience. I know it is a passage of life, but I am still wondering where that little boy has gone. The one that was completely dependant on me will now learn to survive on his own.

There is just a moment in time when that little baby is yours, then he grows up and starts to branch out on his own. I am excited, yet aprehensive about all the new challenges we will face, but I know that he will always remember who was by his side, cheering him all along the way!

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